Friday, October 18, 2019

spring 2019

A little update.  (all photos can be enlarged by clicking one one)

From Helen's garden. Where we arrive often to startlements, as this, going out the back door... wasn't there a week ago!

The lion not functioning as fountain but water for birds. Passionfruit planted just a few months ago.

This next from just up steps from that last photo. Behind the lemongrass, below the sink, below the bananas, is a hidden pond. In the middle of the day large lizards come through, across the steps, heading for a drink, like metro trains, one after the other.

This next is of the last custard apple of the season. Massive fruit from one bush for many months, now in leaf bud after winter. It has helped this bush to have a compost bin as neighbour.

Fennel abounds in that picture above as here next from same spot, looking to the right. Sage is spectacular, in the garden and kitchen. Behind the sage is perennial basil, which flowers over many months, sustains bee populations.

Fennel and basil reach the kitchen of course, but here is a classy breakfast: "three sage omelette".

Pomegranate in flower, but it's hard to get the fruit to stay. It prefers drier and reportedly likes isolation, not available in Helen's garden.

We travel of course with Ralph, who has been to the groomer and turned from spoodle to sausage dog this week.

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