Tuesday, June 18, 2013

winter solstice, adjustments with raised bed and mirror

The northeast corner of my garden is a difficult place to grow, especially in (southern hemisphere, June etc) winter. There is a wooden paling fence to the north and the east, and with low sun angle, there is no light on the ground, plants here bolt quickly to seed.

I have now adopted a two pronged strategy:

  1. raise the garden bed, with the raised bed away from the northern fence
  2. place a mirror to add light.
Here are photos taken at 7.40am on 18 June, almost the winter solstice, shortest day. 

yes, there are tree shadows too
Sun on mirror, beginning to sweep over raised bed
(will continue to left in photo above, right in photo below as sun moves).
Old lace curtain (or net) may be used for blackbird  and bowerbird problems.
Blackbirds  are interested in macro-life (worms etc) in soil more than plants.
Bowerbirds can destroy winter leafy gardens very quickly.
the raised bed is indeed a steel sofa bed base, with chicken wire and hessian and other fabric lining,
then bark and mulch mix (see earlier entry) manures, compost and 150cm of soil from below
(chooks previously ran on this ground).
In the enlarged photo (click) you may see egg shell around bed foot to deter snails.

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